Have a seat, grab your shotgun or crossbow, and get ready to get zombified. Oh, and just in case you're not fully caught up to the end of Season 4...
Ain't That a Bitch

Inspired by Daryl and camouflage colors.
I'd Tell Him to Go to Hell

Inspired by Carol.
I struggled with whether or not I wanted to include a Carol polish in this collection. When we're first introduced to her character she's a meek woman, controlled by an abusive husband, and I didn't want a lacquer inspired by someone who brought out such painful feelings in me as part of this collection.
But after Ed died (I literally cheered at that point in the series. No shame.) and she lost Sophia and came out on the other side a stronger person...I knew I couldn't leave her out of this collection. And I just love the dynamic between Carol and Daryl, it's so sad yet sweet how Daryl struggles with his feelings for her.
Cherokee Rose

Inspired by Daryl's Cherokee Rose story and Sophia.
A Man of Many Hawaiian Shirts

Inspired by Dale.
Oh, Dale... The hovering father of the crew. He couldn't let anyone do anything in any way other than how he thought it should be done, but his heart was in the right place. He didn't deserve the end he got. But then, who does? (Other than Ed. Yes, I'm still harboring a grudge against him.)
Taking it All for Granted

Inspired by Lori.
Judge, Jury, Executioner

Inspired by Rick. And, unintentionally, chocolate chip cookie dough!
Lil' Asskicker

Inspired by Judith, cute with a hint of badass.
Sleeping with the Enemy

Inspired by Andrea.
Douchebag's What I Meant

Inspired by Shane.
Eleven Minutes of my Life I'm Not Getting Back

Inspired by Maggie.
Walker Bait

Inspired by Glenn.
This color was nearly called "A Glass Half-Full Kind of Guy" but when the name changed I couldn't bear to change the formula!
Do Not Open, Dead Inside

Inspired by the Walkers. Try wearing just 1 or 2 thin coats to create a sickly look to your nails for part of a zombie costume or with 3 coats for everyday wear.
Do Not Open, Dead Inside will be a free bonus for those who order the entire Do Not Open, Dead Inside collection between release day and October 16th. See the shop for how to add the freebie to your order.