Saturday I dressed as a genderswapped Captain Reynolds from Firefly and another captain found my booth! Raph of Digital Nails requested a picture of us together and we were happy to oblige.
At the end of the con Sunday night all my friends and I got together for dinner and staying up far too late for almost everyone having to wake up for an early flight and then go straight to work, but it was an amazing time regardless (but then, I was one of the ones who got to sleep in the next day!) and I'm already looking for more conventions I can go to. I'm crossing my fingers that it's not too late to apply for a table at Portland Comic Con in January :)
Check out all these cool people!
I also wanted to remind you all of my social media sites, since I have a few new accounts now! (My most used platform) (new and I love it so far!) (YouTube? Whaaaat? Yes, Lucky 13 videos are coming in the future! Leave a comment with ideas for stuff you'd like to see me do or discuss)
And I can't figure out how to end this post, so...