Every life is a pile of good things and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.
--11th Doctor, Vincent and the Doctor
Thankfully, after years of trying different medications and methods I mostly have it under control, but sometimes I still find myself wanting to curl into a ball and hide in a hole.
I recently had a severe depressive episode that I fought like hell to get out of, but I was losing the battle which had gone on for over a week...and then I remembered the Eleventh Doctor's quote from Vincent and the Doctor...and the tears came. I'm still not sure if they were good or bad, but since that day I've been able to remind myself that just because things are bad now doesn't mean they've *always* been bad, nor that they always will be, and it's just a matter of waiting out the storm.
I already have two beautiful reminders of this, and they help a lot. In December my best friend made me the card below (ALL by hand! Using only an X-acto knife, construction paper, and printer paper) and it is simply amazing. It's especially meaningful because she rarely takes the opportunity for creative outlet and I know that she spent literally all day on it while I was at work.
If you'd like the original image to print out yourself click for a larger size.
Wow, strike that--my wonderful friends have just ordered me one! Accio Lacquer got to me first and mere moments after Nails in Real Life asked for my wrist size!
This color is my first numbered Limited Edition. I made 26 bottles of Softening the Bad Things: 16 full size and 10 shortie size. They are each numbered in Van Gogh's own handwriting.
That leaves 14 full size and 9 shortie bottles left for sale which will begin July 29th around 2PM Pacific Time. They will be an extra $1 per bottle and that $25 ($1 extra from 25 bottles) will be donated to NAMI. I will be matching the $25 donation and I am looking for other bloggers/indie makers/people who need an excuse to donate to match the $25 donation as well. I'll list any donation matchers on the product's sale page.
I am considering doing a second run of this polish in the future but since I haven't even officially released this color yet it's still just an idea that's just floating in my head. If these sell out faster than I expect then I'll consider a second run in a few months and the numbered labels will show that it's the second run at that time.
Ok, I'm done being overly verbose. Does anyone else here need a hug? I know I could certainly use one. If anyone ever needs some love from someone who understands depression feel free to leave a comment here, on my Facebook page, or send me a message.
You're all wonderful, thank you for your kind words, support, and for sharing your stories with me <3